Testdatensatz 99 555

Detailed description
Description of texts
Call number :  
↳ recent : Testdatensatz 99 555
↳ Preißler : Preißler 99 1555
↳ Olim UB : Olim UB 99 1555
Author :  
↳ Short form : Ahmad
141 من
↳ Complete form : Ahmad
ق 1ب:
محمد باقر بن محمد تقي [بن مقصود علي المجلسي الإصفهاني المعروف بعلامة مجلسي أو مجلسي ثاني]
↳ Date of death : until
↳ Reference : book
Title :  
↳ in Ms. : Title in MS
141 من
↳ in Reference : Title complete
141 من
Language : Arabic
with Arabic interlinear translation
Completeness : beginning is missing
Subject matter : medicine
Physical description
Number of volumes : 1
Composite manuscript : no
Binding :  
↳ Material : leather
Writing material :  
↳ Material : parchment
Number of folios : 24
Dimensions : 16 x 13 cm
Text area : text
Number of lines : 10 lines
Number of columns : 3 columns
Script :  
↳ Style : Maghribī
Illumination : yes
Illustrations : yes
Miniatures : yes
Copyist : Ahmad
Date of copy : until
Place of copy : Arabia
PDF-Download : ein Test
Owner : University Library of Leipzig
Static URL : https://islamic-manuscripts.net/receive/IslamHSBook_islamhs_00000388

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