Ms. or. 355

Common data
↳ current Ms. or. 355
↳ alternate URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-0
Dataset type single manuscript
Content and history of the book
Language Arabic
Alphabet Arabic
Region Islamic world / MENA region
Copyist ق50أ:
لم يعد بالإمكان التعرف على اسم الناسخ ، نظراً لحدوث تمزق في الصفحة عند موضع كتابة الاسم
f. 50r:
due to the trimming of the paper the copiyst’s name cannot be established properly
Date of copy f. 50r: Saturday, 28 Rajab 980/4. December 1572
Date of autograph f. 50r: Saturday, 24 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 938/28 July 1532
Ownership statements f. 1r:
Ḥusayn al-Shāmī 1340/
Aḥmad ibn ʽAbd al-Karīm al-Shāmī, Rajab 1329/June-July 1911
ʽAlī ibn Muḥammad ibn ʽAbd al-Karīm al-Shāmī, Rajab 1388/September-October 1968
Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Dā’ūd (entry crossed through)
↳ Short form المقرائي
↳ Established name ق 1أ, 50أ:
[عماد الدين] يحيى بن محمد بن الحسن المقرائي
ff. 1r, 50r:
[ʽImād al-Dīn] Yaḥyá ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan al-Miqrā’ī
↳ Date of death 990/
↳ Place of activity Yemen
↳ Bibliographic information GAL II/405 S II/557; Kaḥḥālah XIII/223; Ziriklī VIII/168
↳ in Ms. ق 1أ:
كتاب تلخيص معاني مقدمة الأزهار الكاقل لغير المجتهد بالسلامة عن الأخطار
f. 1r:
Kitāb Talkhīṣ maʽānī muqaddimat al-Azhār al-kāfil li-ghayr al-mujtahid bi-al-salāmah ʽan al-akhṭār
↳ Established form تلخيص معاني مقدمة الأزهار الكاقل لغير المجتهد بالسلامة عن الأخطار
Talkhīṣ maʽānī muqaddimat al-Azhār al-kāfil li-ghayr al-mujtahid bi-al-salāmah ʽan al-akhṭār
Completeness complete
Subject matter Islamic Law
Content al-Miqrā’ī's comnmentary upon the introduction (muqaddimah) of the Kitāb al-Azhār fī fiqh al-a’immah al-aṭhār ʽalā madhhab al-zaydīya a work on Zaydī law by Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyá ibn al-Murtaḍá al-Mahdī li-Dīn Allāh (d. 840/1437; EI2 V/1241; GAL II/187 S II/; Ḥājjī Khalīfah I/262, no. 552; Kaḥḥālah II/206; Ziriklī I/269).
Notes f. 1r:
title of the work and author’s name
in the margin:
text corrections in the copyist’s hand
Further copies Berlin (Ahlwardt) no. 4931
Editions not edited
Physical description
Number of volumes 1
↳ Material new red artificial leather binding
↳ State of preservation well-preserved
Writing material  
↳ Material paper
↳ Colour yellowish-white
↳ State of preservation thick; rough; regular chain and laid line pattern; leaf edges partly frayed and torn respectively; slight dirt and water stains
Number of folios I, 50, II; f. 50v blank
Dimensions 20.4 x 14.5 cm
Text area 14 x 9 cm
Number of lines varying: 16-17; f. 50r: 21
Catchwords complete
↳ Style Naskh
↳ Ink black
↳ Characteristics ordinary handwriting; medium-sized; bold; erect; for the most part without diacritical dots; primary work in red
Author of record Wiesmueller
Location University Library of Leipzig
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