Ms. or. 365

Detailed description
Classmark :  
↳ current : Ms. or. 365
Content and history of the book
Language : Arabic
Alphabet : arabic
Date of copy : f. 218v: 1 Rajab 1278/2 January 1862
Author :  
↳ Short form : al-Anṭākī
↳ Established name : f. 1r:
Dā’ūd [ibn ʽUmar al-Anṭākī al-Baṣīr]
ق 1أ:
داود [بن عمر الأنطاكي البصير]
↳ Date of death : 1008/
↳ Bibliographic information : EI2 I/516; GAL II/364 S II/; Kaḥḥālah IV/; Ziriklī II/
Title :  
↳ in Ms. : f. 1r, 2v:
Kitāb Tadhkirat ūlī al-albāb wa-al-jāmiʽ lil-ʽajab al-ʽujāb
ق 1أ, 2ب:
كتاب تذكرة اولي الألباب والجامع للعجب العجاب
↳ Established form : Tadhkirat ūlī al-albāb wa-al-jāmiʽ lil-ʽajab al-ʽujāb
تذكرة اولي الألباب والجامع للعجب العجاب
Completeness : fragment
Subject matter : medicine
Physical description
Number of volumes : 1
Binding :  
↳ Material : Oriental brown leather binding with fore-edge flap, envelope flap and stamped central almond-shaped medallions
Writing material :  
↳ Material : paper
Number of folios : I-II, 218, III-V
Dimensions : varying: 22-23 x 16-16.5 cm
Text area : varying: 17-18 x 10-13 cm
Number of lines : varying: 22-33
Script :  
↳ Style : Naskh
External Link : PDF (Arabic)
PDF (English)
PDF (German)
Author of record : Wiesmueller
Owner : University Library of Leipzig
Static URL :
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