Historical catalogues

Since 1836, Heinrich Leberecht Fleischer (1801 – 1888), one of the outstanding scholars of the 19th century and a central figure of the young and as a science just developing Arabistic, held a chair in Leipzig.
He compiled two descriptive manuscript catalogues, one of which covers the holdings of the former Senate Library in Leipzig. It can claim to be a model of exactness and erudite thoroughness.
But the catalogue was written in Latin, which was good at its time to secure an international reception, but makes the use hard if not impossible for many contemporary readers. Therefore it is the goal of this translation to present this valuable document in the internet, thereby allowing for a broader international community of interested scholars to access a great part of the Leipzig manuscript collection:

Preface (pdf)

Fleischer: Codices Orientalium Linguarum (pdf)

Further is planned to digitise and to publish the historical catalogues in the internet (soon online):

1. Katalog der islamischen, christlich-orientalischen, jüdischen und samaritanischen Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek zu Leipzig / von Karl Vollers. Mit e. Beitr. von Johannes Leipoldt. - Leipzig : Harrassowitz, 1906. - XI, 508 S. - (Katalog der Handschriften der Universitäts-Bibliothek ; 2)

2. Codices orientalium linguarum descripserunt Henricus Orthobius Fleischer et Franciscus Delitzsch. - Grimma : Gebhardt, 1838. - XXIV, 562 S.

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